Wednesday, October 30, 2013

WWLW: Halloween


So - confession time - Christmas isn't my favorite holiday.  I know, I know.  Katy and I run a blog about Christmas cards.  How can it not be my favorite?  But, it just isn't.  Now don't get me wrong, I like Christmas, lots.  I may even love Christmas...but it isn't my favorite.  My favorite holiday is the 4th of July followed VERY closely by HALLOWEEN!  I love Halloween!  I like the dressing up.  I like pumpkins.  I like the crisp cool(er) air.  I like the hayrides.  I like the candy.  But what makes me LOVE Halloween is the way it brings a community together.  Growing up I lived on a street with 12 girls and 1 boy and we were all within a ten year spread.  Each Halloween was different - some years we would all just trick-or treat together or we would go on a trick-or-treating hayride with the church that was one block over or we would camp out at one house and hand out candy.  But one year - goodness - we went BIG.  The moms dressed up as witches and had caldrons full of dry ice, the dads were scary things (my dad was a gorilla!) and all of us kids just ran up and down the street over and over laughing and giggle and playing.  It was a great night.  We were a community.  And that's why I love Halloween, it forces you out of your house and into your neighborhood.  It makes you talk to people you may just casually wave to as you rush off to another activity.  Halloween makes me pause and think about community...and I love that.

So - confession time - Halloween isn't my favorite holiday. I know, I know. How is that possible? I bring beds out to pasture for a picture, but I get totally all freaked out thinking about the pressure that's involved with costumes. Now Gigi, my momma, says that Halloween used to be my favorite holiday. (Thanksgiving has always been and will remain at the top of the list for me. Two words: side dishes. The end.)

My mom always let us pick our costumes - no matter what the choice (seriously, one time I went as Sandi from Grease... and not the "good" Sandi... I was the one at the end in the black cat suit and red heels. Thanks, Mom!!) and I think I could learn a lesson from her. I think the reason I haven't loved it is because selfishly, I've tried to make it about me. (I know, what a confession!) But this year, the kids got to pick and I'm pretty darn excited about how excited they are.

So, one of us LOVES Halloween and one of us is getting there (see why we make such good besties). So today - we give your our collective top 5 favorite things about Halloween...

5. Costumes - There is something so fun about seeing kids dressed up and playing make believe. How cute is this kid?

4. Movies - Y'all. Halloween has produced some classic film genius. There is something for everyone - scary and sweet!

3. Candy - What? We aren't supposed to sort through our kids' candy and take out all the ones "they won't like" for ourselves? Ha!

2. This song. 

1. COMMUNITY! So glad we get to share our community of friends in life. They really are the best!

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