You have pictures this weekend. And you just CAN NOT find a thing to wear! Sound the alarms. Christmas is ruined. You'll never be able to mail cards again. I mean, this is the worst thing that could happen ever. But before we go all Brintey circa 2007... did you try shopping your closet?
We didn't think so.
You will be so surprised at what you can find in there. Better yet - you probably have a few pieces that you wear over and over and over again that will work. AND if you wear them over and over again, it probably means you feel comfortable wearing it which is of the utmost importance when taking pics - you want to FEEL good.
Example 1: You have probably seen this pic on Pinterest over 5000 times (that's roughly the number of times it has been pinned. Crazy.) Cindy didn't spend tons of time on clothes, she picked darling pieces for her two bigs (that are tiny little BABIES in this picture) and shopped the closet for Josh and herself.
Example 2: Sometimes it's fun to shop your friends' closets, too! Cindy borrowed the blouse for a friend, and mixed and matched pieces she owned for the kiddos only buying some of the accessory pieces like those boot socks for Anna (!!!) and the puffer vest and leggings for Caro.
Example 3: Ryan has had that jacket forever it seems, and I purchased that tunic and shirt. (on clearance, y'all. It was an XS. Why would you even make an XS maternity top. You can't tell from this pic, but it was basically a crop top and I was just using it for its sleeves).
Example 4: I didn't buy one thing for this series. Well, I'm lying... I bought the onesie. Everything else was from our closets. And no, this wasn't our Christmas card pic, but it is something I still look back on and love just as much as if I would have spent tons of time on clothes. Emmy's entire outfit is a hand-me-down!
Example 5: I borrowed this top from Cindy and I did order the girls dresses but they were $8 each.